I will write a US provisional patent application

I will write a US provisional patent application

I am a US patent attorney with over 20 years of experience. I can prepare your US provisional patent application.

Beware of patent drafting services by non-credentialed technical writers. A patent is not just a technical document. A patent application must meet particular legal requirements or it will either not issue as a patent or will be held invalid in court. The choice of specific words and phrases can also impact the scope of a patent’s claims.

There is a reason that the US Supreme Court has stated that patents are “one of the most difficult legal instruments to draw with accuracy. and, in view of the fact that valuable inventions are often placed in the hands of inexperienced persons to prepare such specifications and claims, it is no matter of surprise that the latter frequently fail to describe with requisite certainty the exact invention of the patentee.”

Saving money up front with inadequate patent preparation services means taking the chance that your patent application isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on.