I will setup asana project with general consulting

I will setup asana project with general consulting

I am a Product Manager with an experience of over 5yrs+ in managing products and setting up Project management infrastructure on Asana, Trello etc. for Early-stage startups.

Asana and Trello both are web and mobile application designed to help teams organize, track, and manage their work. Teams can achieve their goals and keep user friendly workflows.

Teams productivity increases with the streamlined approach and can visualize their workflow in difference views like TimeLine, List, Board and Calendar view.

Teams can have dedicated Workspaces for cross functional teams and within them Projects can be created to track works.

So you are at the right place, now is the time to reduce that offline project management stress and juggling between different channels/platforms.

Feel free to let me know what your project is before choosing my gig so we can work out together.

Look forward to working with you 🙂


Note:- The work performed and delivered in this gig can be showcased in the portfolio including reviews. Proceeding forward will be considered as consent for the same.