I will search for venture capital and angel investors for your startup

I will search for venture capital and angel investors for your startup

Sourcing from my network ofinvestors and close contactsin different industries and countries (mostly, but not limited to, North America, Europe and Latam), I will look for Venture Capital or/and angel investment for your startup.

Here’s what to expect:

1. Reach out in the chat. You’ll be required to present one or more of the following: Pitch Deck, Business Plan and Financials.

2. I will evaluate the content. If I feel you do not have a concise business, I reserve the right to pass the task.

3. Choose the package that suits your need. I can also send you a custom offer.

4. If your startup passes the second step, I will publicize your content to the investors.

5. I’ll do a warm introduction to the investors that are interested in your business idea.

The deliverable:

An Excel file that shows all the investors that I’ve contacted on your behalfand the contact details of only the ones that are interested in your business. I will provide every feedback I receive, but without the contact information.

Should you receive no interest from any of the investors, I strongly suggest that you work on your business model, storytelling, and traction.

Feel free to ask questions!