I will review and edit your linkedin profile

I will review and edit your linkedin profile

Hello job seekers! I am a professional with 10 years of resume building and design experience. I’ve secured many competitive internships and fantastic job opportunities with my application materials. I’ve also helped many friends and family do the same!

I’m here to help you with your LinkedIn page. I offer 3 packages and am willing to add on additional services as needed and upon request.

The Basic package includes a review of your Linkedin profile. I will look for areas of improvement to make your profile more attractive to employers. Then, I will build a plan with you and give you a list of things to do to improve your Linkedin profile.

The Standard package includes re-writes and edits of passages. I will edit for clarity, reword sentences, reorder or restructure paragraphs, and add other sections as needed.

The Premium package is for those who do not have a Linkedin profile. I will create your profile for you and fill out all of the information. I will also help you choose a photo to use as your profile picture and add a bunch of “connections” to help boost your profile.

I’m excited to help you on your journey to your dream job, so please order now.