I will provide full time customer service and virtual assistant

I will provide full time customer service and virtual assistant

If you are looking for someone who can work on youronline storeas a customer support agent? Congratulations, You have found the right person for your tasks.

I will be able to help you with customer support for e-commerce stores. I do have customer experience with worldwide clients and have the knowledge to handle customers in the best possible way according tostore guidelines.

Please find the below service which I can assist with you:

  • Customer Service (Social Media, E-mail and Live chat)
  • E-commerce Support
  • Store management
  • Customer exchange, refund and chargebacks
  • Keep a record on work accordingly

You will get:

  • Quick Responses
  • High-Quality Work
  • On-time delivery
  • Accuracy and Trust
  • E-commerce support

If you are unsure about anything, we can discuss everything on hand to give you the best service with satisfaction.

Feel free to checkFAQs or shoot me a messagethrough Fiverr to get your work start with confidence.


Salem Pierre

Be blessed