I will prepare an investor ready business plan for you

I will prepare an investor ready business plan for you

Hi there

Welcome to my gig

This gig offers a complete business plan with full marketing strategy and swot analysis.

I offer quality business planning with accurate and realistic financial forecasting.

I will provide a marketing strategy based on a well researched market.

The business place will include.

  • Executive Summary
  • Mission Statement
  • Objectives
  • Industry Analysis
  • Market Analysis Summary
  • Target Market Segment Strategy
  • Marketing Strategy
  • PESTEL Analysis
  • Competitive Edge
  • Competitive Summary
  • SWOT Analysis etc.
  • 3-5years Financial Projection with Graphs and Charts

I have access to industry analysis from IBM, STATA andmarketwise, this puts me the best position to deliver a realistic and well informed marketresearch and marketing strategy.

Please be sure to add details of your business while placing your order.

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