I will help you land the job you want

I will help you land the job you want

How much more successful could you be if you had your own personal recruiter working with and for you? Working out the bugs in your job search, perfecting your technique, making sure you were as ready and prepared to land your dream job as you possibly can be?

I’ll bring to you the expertise gained through over 25 years experience (up to and including VP and CEO level) as both a recruiter and a hiring manager.

I’ve reviewed over 50,000 resumes and cover letters. I’ve interviewed over 6,000 candidates. I’ve hired, or been involved in the hiring, of hundreds of people. I know what separates the people who get hired, from the runner-up candidates.

Put my experience to work for you, to give you the competitive edge you need in today’s job market.

Every coaching session is custom designed to suit your needs. Among the areas where I can help you:

  • Resume review and refinement
  • Cover letter writing
  • Targeting applications
  • Interview preparation
  • Mock interviews
  • Career direction

I’ve kept my rates as accessible as they can be, while still reflecting the expertise and value I bring to you.

Your dream job may be just around the corner. Let’s make sure you’re ready to win it.