I will help you discover intellectual property in your products

I will help you discover intellectual property in your products

Being a qualified Engineer and a Lawyer, I completely understand the struggle of a technical person when he/she has to deal with legal connotations associated with products.

I would love to contribute by providing my opinion on how to proceed with securing intellectual property for your products. We can start by discovering IP in your assets and then proceed with securing it. Securing IP gives you a competitive advantage by turning your ideas into profit-making assets.

Any queries on IP are welcome 🙂

About Me:

  • Intellectual Property Lawyer, founder of PA Legal, a boutique IP Law Firm.
  • 4 years of hands-on experience in IP.
  • Engineering degree (GBPUAT), LL.B. with Honors in IP (IIT Kharagpur).
  • Strong technological know-how combined with legal experience.
  • Would help you identify and protect the IP in your product.

Go ahead and get in touch with me, Order Now!