I will get business leads from google map with emails

I will get business leads from google map with emails

“Google Map Scraping”

Are you looking to get the local business listing to make lead generations and organize mass mail campaigns? Then you are in the right place.

You will get unique and verified business leads on Google Maps in any business industry from anywhere in the world.

You will get:

✓ Business name

✓ Category

✓ Full address (combined or split to street, city, state, zip)

✓ Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude)

✓ Phone

✓ Website

✓ Email (which has)

✓ Social media profiles (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube)

✓ Rating

✓ Review count

✓ Google Map URL

✓ Opening and closing hours

I will provide output data in Excel/CSV format.


Tags:Google map, Google maps, google, business leads, lead generation, B2B leads, data mining, web scraping, GMB listing, Google My Business