I will find you phone number,website,address and email

I will find you phone number,website,address and email

Are you looking for B2B Leads of specific criteria?

Well, I am providing targeted Business Leads of your Specific Criteria/Location(Country,City,State,Zip code,personal/Business mail,website) with high accuracy.

I provide following Information:-

#Company Name


#Industry Type

#Full Address

#Business Phone Number

#Contact Name


#Direct Email address(with NO info@,sales@,service@ etc.)

#Linkedin Profile

#Company Revenue

My skills:

Data Entry,

-Lead Generation,

-Email Marketing,

-Yellowpage Data Collection,

-Image Collection Projects ,

-Manual Email Collection from different website,

-Manual Data Collect,

-Data Mining

-Website Date input etc,

Why should you hire me?

** I have a Premium Sales Navigator LinkedIn Account to generate leads.

** I have 3+ years of experience in this area by using modern tools and techniques.

**My objective is to provide 100% accurate service to my client and give client full satisfaction**

Note:Please feel free to contact me.Please drop me a message before placing the order.



#Dataentry #b2bleads #exceldataentry #virtualassistant