I will draft your detailed business plan

I will draft your detailed business plan

If you are doing business in the United States, and if you’re ready to secure funding, find a business partner, or just ready to take your business to the next level, then you’re in the right place. My research is industry-specific and I use IBISWorld along with other research tools to make sure your plan is relevant and specific to your business. Under samples, you can see a sample of the cover page and table of contents for a business report and a sample portion of reports I pull to help develop your perfect plan.

A business plan is an essential document for every business. But just as businesses grow and change, so too do business plans.

Whether you need a brand new business plan or an update to an existing business plan, I’m happy to help.

Send me a message and tell me a bit about your business so we can find out which gig package is right for your unique situation.