I will do targeted b2b linkedin lead generation

I will do targeted b2b linkedin lead generation

Hi there, If you are looking for a targeted b2b LinkedIn lead generation expert for your business email campaign. I’m here for helping you to reach your Target. I can find targeted b2b LinkedIn leads.

I will use Google, Linkedin, Linkedin Sales Navigator, Clearbit, SalesQL, online directory to build your targeted leads.

I will provide the following format data:

  • Company Name
  • Company Size
  • Company Linkedin URL
  • Company Website
  • Targeted Person Name
  • Job Title
  • Email
  • LinkedIn URL
  • Phone Number (If available)

Why will you pick my services?

✔ Urgent Delivery

100% quality of leads

24/7 Customer Support

Replacement for bounced back emails

Drop a message for more discussion. I’m here to help you. I believe that quality work and communication is the key to success.

Kind Regards
