I will do research in japanese on any topic or industry

I will do research in japanese on any topic or industry

IMPORTANT!!!! Ask me BEFORE placing the order!!!! ご注文前にご相談ください!

1) ASK BEFOREPLACING THE ORDER: Please contact me about your request beforeplacing the order. I mightdecline it depending on the resource I have access to.

2) TIP FOR YOUR ROI: Provide an Excelsheet with some columns filled in so that I can smoothly work on the research and organize the data, which helps us invest more time in the research itself and as a result gives you back the best ROI. Also, specify what kind of information is needed and what is not in detail so that I don’t spend the precious time you bought on something you never require.

The topics and subjects of my online research include:

– Movie

– Books

– Apps

– Food

– Tourism

– Cities

– Products

– Anime

– Marketing

– Advertisement

– Job opportunity

– Education