I will do quality market research, business overview and competitor analysis

I will do quality market research, business overview and competitor analysis

NOTE: Message me prior to placing orders

Business owners, managers & decision makers need information prior to allocating scarce resources, strategizing & leading the team, especially in times like this.

For start-ups, business enterprise or corporates who are looking into exploring new markets, territorial expansion, to re-evaluate your current business positions & to identify new business opportunities, this is the right gig for you.

I will use desktop research to unearth data & information from reliable sources (NGOs, government policies, market reports, clinical papers etc.) to provide market insights for your next steps.

Services include:

  • In depth market research
  • Market Analysis
  • SWOT Analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity & Threat)
  • PESTLE Analysis (Macro & Micro Environment)
  • Product Research & Analysis
  • Industry Analysis
  • Demand Analysis
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Target Audience Research & Analysis
  • Online Research
  • Data Analysis
  • Market Trends
  • Market Drivers
  • Pricing Strategies
  • To formulate marketing plans
  • Assist in business plans
  • Research into Niche Market

What to expect:

  • Quality report with references
  • Well formatted presentation
  • Timely delivery
  • Constant updates