I will do amazon wholesale product research

I will do amazon wholesale product research

I will doamazon wholesale product research &contact details of the supplier/brand/wholesaler to sell on Amazon FBA.

What will be included in the Product Research Sheet:

  • Product Link
  • Supplier/Brand/Wholesaler Contact Details
  • Average 90 Days BSR & Monthly Sales
  • Total FBA Sellers and our sale Share
  • Availability of Amz

I always prefer to do product hunting on those amazon products whose weight is low to save FBA Fees and get Maximum profit.

Tools I use:

  • Keepa
  • JScout
  • Helium 10 BB
  • FBA ToolKit
  • Camel Camel Camel
  • Analyzer.Tools


  • A list of Wholesalers in the USA with details FREE of COST for Standard & Premium Packages
  • Free Email & Call Outreach to the Brands for Premium Package.

Thank You

You can always discuss any specific niche/categories you want to work in.