I will do amazon fba wholesale product research

I will do amazon fba wholesale product research

Some friend suggested start a business ? Starting a business can look easy and will be easy if you have the right product.

I will find you the best Amazon FBA wholesale product for your business

Most of the people fail in the amazon business because they don’t focus on the product. No matter how much you focus on marketing if you don’t have the right product to sell i can assure you that you will fail

What I will give you

  • Product overview
  • Product ASIN
  • BSR
  • Sales velocity
  • Buy box winner
  • Winning percentage
  • Competitive seller price
  • Reviews
  • Profit margin
  • Min Stock Required

Why choose me

Most of the people on fiverr deliver the same product to many customers. My motto is ONE PRODUCT TO ONE CLIENT.

All the things will be in a easy to understand Excel sheet.

Please Message me before placing an order