Searching for Amazon FBA Product Research Expert?
You are in right place. I can find the best winning and viable amazon fba product for a private label brand. In top-selling categories, with high demand but lesser reviews, with 4.5 or above review rating and beatable competition
Amazon Product fba research is a Game changer for “PRIVATE LABEL“.
Based upon my experience I would suggest you most suitable product depending upon the category, budget, profit margin.
FBA Product research will include:
In-depth detail report of chosen product
Top 10 keywords analysis
Product with monthly Revenue $5000-$40,000+
Profit margin with 30%-40% with max ROI.
Top competitors BSR and Price analysis
Product having rating 4.5+
Average selling price $8-$60
No Patent or Trademark issues
Competitor deep analysis, Low weight & easy to ship
Product research for USA, UK, DE, FR, and CA
Free recommendation of the supplier(Ali Baba)
Target Keywords for launch+Giveaways to rank
Do you have custom requirements for your Private Label product research?
If you have your own requirements, I can hunt accordingly, but please contact me and share the requirements before placing an order.