I will create wonderful presentations thank you

I will create wonderful presentations thank you

  1. Hello. Madams/Sirs. I am a focused business minded person. I do not believe in luck. I believe in hard work and honesty. I will do online data entry, and virtual assistant jobs on micro soft word online, micro soft excel online, micro soft power point online and micro soft outlook online. I will also do Advanced Excel online version, basic formulas & functions. and I am very good in English language. I have goodcommunication skills. I am very good in internet browsing and surfing also. I am internet savvy. I am good in internet research. I use Microsoft Bing as a search engine I am not excellent in typing skills, but my typing skills are perfect for the job. I am very good in typing on word online. I am very good in calculations in excel online. I am very good in making power point presentations online. I am good in Microsoft sway online version. I can make all types of presentations in Microsoft Sway, online. I am also good in all E-mail related jobs on Microsoft outlook online. In Advanced excel online version. I Know HLOOKUP, VLOOKUP, PIVOT TABLE. I have good communications skills on mobile phone. I am good in Microsoft 365 online version.
  2. Thanking you.
  3. Regards: Gautam Raj j.