I will create responsive online form quiz survey using google forms jotform typeform

I will create responsive online form quiz survey using google forms jotform typeform

I will design and create yourOnline Form, Quiz, Survey, Poll, orquestionnaire about anything usingGoogle Forms, TypeFormorJot-form.

I will share the online survey with you once it’s created. This will enable you to share it with the target audience.

Features of service:

✓ Responsesinstructured customize PDF, spreadsheet.✓CustomcodedJotform usingCSS✓Individualresponds viewandprintoption.✓ Shareformswithanemail alinkorembedinthe website.✓Display athank youmessage to the form user.✓Sendrespondent customized e-mails.✓Connect with3rd party apps.✓calculations.

The online survey will include:

  • Any questions that you want to be included
  • Multiple-choice questions
  • Open-ended questions
  • Basic logic questions
  • Advanced survey logic.
  • Calculation

Why this gig:

  • Fast Delivery –can be less than 1 hour
  • 24/7 reliable customer support
  • 100% Satisfaction guarantee
  • Unlimited revisions
  • Fast delivery

Just send me all the questions in a file.

Please send me login info, if you want to create a form in Totform or Typeform.

You can ping me anytime forFREEin case of any query!