I will create a business model canvas for you your team or your startup business

I will create a business model canvas for you your team or your startup business

Business Model Canvas is the preferred standard for startups to clearly visualize an innovative business idea, and then in the next step – compact and structured – to develop a successful, goal-oriented business model.

Instead of developing a business model from a business idea, this basic idea can be transferred to the individual and strategic orientation of individuals (“YOU”) or teams (“WE”). The result is called Business Model Canvas YOU and Business Model Canvas WE. Thus, this wonderful tool can be perfectly applied to transformation processes in the context of human resource and organizational development, such as talent management and competence transformation.

Thus you can use this tool to 1. develop a business model from your business idea 2. structure and visualize your personal transformation process 3. structure and visualize the transformation process of your team.

To create a Business Model Canvas we do a special visual interview (Canvas Guided Tour). Directly afterwards you will receive your personal business model canvas as a professionally drawn digital graphic.

For teams I organize a virtual three-hour workshop instead of the special visual interview.