I will conduct a mock interview so you land the job

I will conduct a mock interview so you land the job

Interviewing can be intimidating, even if you feel confident in your skills. Let me prepare you for your job interview!

I held a job where all I did was prepare graduates for interviewing. Not only have I prepared others in the past, I’ve worked as a recruiter where I actively am doing the interview (phone, zoom, or in person).

What you’ll receive:

  • Mock interview
  • Positive feedback as well as constructive criticism (written and verbal)
  • Fast delivery
  • Coaching on how to answer tricky questions

Bronze. great for practicing common interview questions:

  • 30 minute session with generic interview questions
  • One mock interview with feedback at the end


  • 1 hour session with generic and/or questions regarding a specific job you’re interviewing for
  • One mock interview, feedback, then go back over problem questions


  • 1.5 hour session with generic and/or questions regarding a specific job you’re interviewing for
  • One mock interview, feedback, focus on problem questions, then a final mock interview

Let’s get you that job!