I will china trademark registration patent search copyright

I will china trademark registration patent search copyright

Do I need register trademark in China?

Yes, you definitely need. After having a China trademark, you can

  • Protect your own brand name
  • Use trademark to apply ecommerce shop
  • Use trademark to apply verified social media account
  • Lock your audience and boost your sales in China market

Why choose SODA?

SODA is a China market focused marketing company, provide full service to help customer to launch business in China.

  • SODA has professional legal expert team in China
  • SODA has global locations in UK, US, HK and China
  • Trademark package includes full work follow from register to certificate issued.
  • Fast and efficient customer service

China Trademark Application Package

How to register trademark in China? SODA package includes all China trademark registration process.

  • Select your target trademark name and category
  • Decide you would like to own by personal or company
  • Prepare application documents and submit
  • Follow up withTM certificate-Initial Audit Letter-Final China trademark R certificate, total lead time for one trademark application process is 10-12 months.

Beside Trademark, SODA can also help you:

  • Copyright/Patent Registration
  • Legal related issues